How To Stay Interested
Are we having fun yet? We ADD-ers get bored easily. Duh. We like novelty, and change. In fact, I feel bad for the ketchup when it's one place too long. When you are in college, the classes, books, and papers just keep coming. You just have to do it, even when you don't want to. Even when you want to do something else. We can get whiny and pitiful. If only there was a way to make work fun... AHA! You remember that you are a creative, out of the box thinker, prone to solving problems, and that you thrive on challenge. You can reach into your vastly superior brain and come up with many ways to beat back the monotony, the routine, the boredom. Oh, the pain. College to too important to to let feelings of boredom get in the way of success. Try a few boredom busters: Rubber Chicken Challenge - Find the fun no matter the task. My wife, who is relentlessly uplifting, came up with this one. It can be done. Wear a goofy hat. Talk like a duck, impersonate a character. Austin Pow...